Want to create the perfect bedroom for your child with autism? Maximize the therapeutic potential and create a sensory nirvana in bedrooms of every size. Let's take a look at the options, keeping in mind that your child's bedroom must also be a place that encourages relaxation and sleep, not simply a sensory room


Lighting and Color

White can be quite calming and easily reflects images from an LED projector for sensory room effect. But purple, blue or green walls can also be calming when using softer shades. Once you choose the color, provide lighting accents with a bubble tube or fiber optics, enhancing the soothing effect.


onnect with our team to start designing your sensory room today.

Do you have any bedtime tips or questions? We love to hear your thoughts! Share with us at social@funandfunction.com, in the comments below, or on our social media pages!

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