Fun & Function Blog - Our Experts Discuss Everything Sensory

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Autism Awareness Month: 10 Activities for You and your Family

Autism Awareness Month: 10 Activities for You and your Family

Do you have autism or support someone with autism? We want to hear your story! Tell us about...
Does Handwriting Matter?

Does Handwriting Matter?

In our modern digital age, handwriting seems like a thing of the past. When typing is faster,...
What is Fine Motor Delay?

What is Fine Motor Delay?

Fine motor skills depend on the coordination, speed and strength of the small muscles in your...
Tactile Defensiveness and Strategies to Help

Tactile Defensiveness and Strategies to Help

Touch, or tactile processing, is one of our 8 senses. It allows us to process information from our...
Four Ways to Practice Using Utensils

Four Ways to Practice Using Utensils

 People often take the skill of eating with utensils for granted, but it is actually not an...
How to Balance Types of Play

How to Balance Types of Play

 “You can play after you finish your homework.”  “Eat dinner and then go...
What is a Sensory Diet?

What is a Sensory Diet?

A sensory diet is a series of activities that cater to your sensory sensitivities and preferences...
6 Activities to Get Warm this Winter

6 Activities to Get Warm this Winter

As the weather gets colder, we look for ways to warm up. Whether you focus on raising your body...
How to Choose Flexible Classroom Seating

How to Choose Flexible Classroom Seating

  Do you struggle with sitting still? Movement can help students learn better, making flexible...
How to Rev up a Sluggish Child

How to Rev up a Sluggish Child

As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder (or even on a rainy summer day), sensory...
Solutions for 8 Types of Sensory Needs

Solutions for 8 Types of Sensory Needs

Everyone has 8 different senses, but within that there are countless sensory types. It can be...
9 Tips for Navigating Holidays with Special Needs

9 Tips for Navigating Holidays with Special Needs

Does your child get overwhelmed by holiday cheer? Our team at  Fun and Function has put together...

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