Author: Rivkie Berger OTR/L123

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Rivkie Berger is an OT with 25+ years of experience. She spent many of those years working in classrooms, with children on the spectrum and children with ADHD and Down Syndrome.

She applies her special blend of knowledge and experience to create educational content and give webinars to our clients. She is also available to answer client questions and provide comprehensive training. She believes no sensory room or break box is complete without proper training. You can learn more sensory processing from her in our Sensory Coach series on the Fun and Function You Tube channel.

All blog posts of the author Rivkie Berger OTR/L123

Bedtime Strategies for Children with Autism

Bedtime Strategies for Children with Autism

Many parents find bedtime frustrating on the best of days. Though typical recommendations say to...
Best Toys for 3 Year Old Child With Autism

Best Toys for 3 Year Old Child With Autism

With all the toys out there on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the best toys for a...
10 Fun Activities for Fathers Day

10 Fun Activities for Fathers Day

Dads have a unique role in their children’s lives that may vary with cultural context or family...
Choosing the Right Preschool for Special Needs Kids

Choosing the Right Preschool for Special Needs Kids

Preschool is full of potential! It may be your child's first experience at school and can give...
Sensory Tools for Positive Transitions

Sensory Tools for Positive Transitions

Sometimes getting our kids from  point A to point B is not simple. Some kids resist change as a...
9 Tips for Navigating Holidays with Special Needs

9 Tips for Navigating Holidays with Special Needs

Does your child get overwhelmed by holiday cheer? Our team at  Fun and Function has put together...
Teacher Tips: 9  Great Ways to Communicate with Parents

Teacher Tips: 9 Great Ways to Communicate with Parents

If you’re a teacher then you’re familiar with the busy season that comes during the summer....
Perseveration in Individuals with Autism

Perseveration in Individuals with Autism

You may have seen someone  flap their hands or spin repeatedly. Maybe you overheard a child...